The Hidden Obvious
Maisie Wilkes
The current Cost of Living Crisis has touched each and every one of our lives in so many different ways.
With inflation at a 41 year high, the affordability of goods and services for households has been greatly affected. From the food in the supermarkets to energy bills and fuel for our cars, the reduced amount in disposable income has meant real hardship for a lot of people.
I want my work to highlight the struggles that this crisis is bringing to different sectors of the Community. I interviewed a family, a working professional, and the older generation. I gathered information by interviewing friends and family and asked them how the Cost of Living Crisis is affecting them.
After speaking to each of them, I have presented their thoughts, feelings, and experiences on a ‘ notice board’. Each board is a moment of their current day-to-day life with many subtle hidden messages and reflections to be found throughout. I hope the viewer will engage and discover each digital manipulation within my images, for example, within the branding and personal items. By creating the items as illusions, I hope to provide the viewer with much thought-provoking material.